These are great skill-building exercises for call-taking and radio – split ear, and multi-tasking. Download upon ordering. Great to include loaded onto your 9-1-1 Reality Simulator to teach individual skills. Or purchase to add to your Training Academy.
Taking Descriptions – A radio dispatcher gives descriptions of people and vehicles. This demonstrates to the learner the ‘cadence’ of descriptions given over the radio. Trainees must copy down what they are hearing.
Phonetic Practice – A series of famous and not-so-famous names spelled phonetically. It gets faster, and students must capture the name to begin to gain an understanding of phonetic spelling. Alpha Bravo Version Included.
Multi-Task Split Ear – Most popular, used by many agencies for hiring. It is very challenging. Letters and numbers come from three directions and must be captured. Alpha Bravo Version is Included.
Prepare To Copy – Attempt to locate or Bolo examples by a radio dispatcher. Your trainees must capture what is said. Gains radio ear.
Dexterity – card game following directions. Print out the cards for a tabletop exercise – demonstrates the ability to follow fast directions and manual dexterity.