5 Call Taking SKILLS Exercises


BEST SELLER  “Learning 9-1-1 can be and should be fun.  Listening isn’t learning and telling isn’t teaching.”  Sue Pivetta


These are great skill-building exercises for call-taking and radio – split ear, and multi-tasking.  Download upon ordering.  Great to include loaded onto your 9-1-1 Reality Simulator to teach individual skills.   Or purchase to add to your Training Academy.
    • Taking Descriptions – A radio dispatcher gives descriptions of people and vehicles.  This demonstrates to the learner the ‘cadence’ of descriptions given over the radio. Trainees must copy down what they are hearing.
    • Phonetic Practice – A series of famous and not-so-famous names spelled phonetically. It gets faster, and students must capture the name to begin to gain an understanding of phonetic spelling. Alpha Bravo Version Included.
    • Multi-Task Split Ear – Most popular, used by many agencies for hiring. It is very challenging. Letters and numbers come from three directions and must be captured.  Alpha Bravo Version is Included.
    • Prepare To Copy – Attempt to locate or Bolo examples by a radio dispatcher. Your trainees must capture what is said.  Gains radio ear.
    • Dexterity – card game following directions.  Print out the cards for a tabletop exercise – demonstrates the ability to follow fast directions and manual dexterity.
A fantastic addition to your entry-level training class or academy!  Training and Learning should be FUN!

